Mileage: 124,891 miles
Advisory Notices:
Rear Suspension component mounting prescribed area is corroded but not considered excessive Axle mounting areas. (5.3.6 (a) (i))
Offside Rear Wheel bearing slightly noisy (5.1.3 (b) (i))
Bonnet primary retaining device slightly deteriorated Bonnet corroded. (3.1 (c))
Nearside Front Anti-roll bar linkage ball joint has slight play (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material Front to rear pipe, rear section. (1.1.11 (c))
Nearside Rear Integral body structure is corroded but structural rigidity is not significantly reduced Sill. (6.1.1 (c) (i))
Offside Front Suspension arm ball joint has slight play (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 120,988 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Nearside Front Anti-roll bar ball joint has slight play (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Offside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 120,987 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Anti-roll bar ball joint has slight play (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Offside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Nearside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Failure Notices:
Offside Front Coil spring fractured or broken (5.3.1 (b) (i))
Mileage: 116,866 miles
Advisory Notices:
Offside Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material front to rear (1.1.11 (c))
Nearside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Rear Exhaust has a minor leak of exhaust gases (6.1.2 (a))
Offside Rear Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Nearside Front Anti-roll bar linkage ball joint has slight play (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 116,866 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Anti-roll bar linkage ball joint has slight play (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Nearside Front Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Offside Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material front to rear (1.1.11 (c))
Offside Front Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Rear Exhaust has a minor leak of exhaust gases (6.1.2 (a))
Failure Notices:
Nearside Rear Tyre has a cut in excess of the requirements deep enough to reach the ply or cords (5.2.3 (d) (i))
Offside Rear Tyre has a cut in excess of the requirements deep enough to reach the ply or cords (5.2.3 (d) (i))
Mileage: 112,342 miles
Advisory Notices:
Offside Rear Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Nearside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Nearside Rear Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Offside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 103,371 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Nearside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Slight cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Nearside Rear Service brake binding but not excessively (1.2.1 (f))
Offside Rear Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Offside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Slight cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 103,371 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Slight cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Offside Rear Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Offside Front Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Slight cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Nearside Rear Service brake binding but not excessively (1.2.1 (f))
Nearside Rear Tyre slightly damaged/cracking or perishing Cracking (5.2.3 (d) (ii))
Failure Notices:
Nearside Front Suspension arm ball joint excessively worn (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Offside Front Coil spring fractured or broken (5.3.1 (b) (i))
Mileage: 93,141 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Suspension arm pin or bush worn but not resulting in excessive movement rear bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Offside Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material front to rear (1.1.11 (c))
Offside Front Suspension arm pin or bush worn but not resulting in excessive movement rear bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Rear Exhaust mounting defective system still secure (6.1.2 (a))
Offside Rear Tyre has a cut but not deep enough to reach the ply or cords (5.2.3 (d) (i))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 93,141 miles
Advisory Notices:
Offside Rear Tyre has a cut but not deep enough to reach the ply or cords (5.2.3 (d) (i))
Nearside Front Suspension arm pin or bush worn but not resulting in excessive movement rear bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Rear Exhaust mounting defective system still secure (6.1.2 (a))
Offside Front Suspension arm pin or bush worn but not resulting in excessive movement rear bush (5.3.4 (a) (i))
Offside Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material front to rear (1.1.11 (c))
Failure Notices:
Nearside Brake pipe excessively corroded front to rear (1.1.11 (c))
Nearside Front Brake pipe excessively corroded (1.1.11 (c))
Offside Front Brake pipe excessively corroded (1.1.11 (c))
Mileage: 86,434 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Front Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material (1.1.11 (c))
Nearside Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material Front to rear, behind fuel tank (1.1.11 (c))
Offside Front Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Offside Front Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material (1.1.11 (c))
Offside Brake pipe corroded, covered in grease or other material Front to rear, behind fuel tank (1.1.11 (c))
Nearside Front Tyre worn close to legal limit/worn on edge (5.2.3 (e))
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 77,942 miles
Advisory Notices:
Nearside Rear Brake pipe slightly corroded on flexible hose (3.6.B.2c)
Nearside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
Failure Notices:
Mileage: 64,564 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 47,277 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 31,295 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 15,125 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 15,123 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 15,122 miles
Advisory Notices:
brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened (3.5.1i)
Offside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
Failure Notices:
Brakes imbalanced across an axle (3.7.B.5b)
Front Brake pad(s) less than 1.5 mm thick (3.5.1g)
Mileage: 14,699 miles
Advisory Notices: No Advisory Notices
Failure Notices: No Failure Notices
Mileage: 14,699 miles
Advisory Notices:
Failure Notices:
Date | Mileage |
2024.07.24 14:45:43 | 124,891 |
2023.08.02 10:17:09 | 120,988 |
2023.08.01 15:35:54 | 120,987 |
2022.07.28 13:01:03 | 116,866 |
2022.07.28 08:55:51 | 116,866 |
2021.07.20 10:19:57 | 112,342 |
2020.07.13 14:33:54 | 103,371 |
2020.07.13 08:16:00 | 103,371 |
2019.07.08 11:52:29 | 93,141 |
2019.07.08 08:12:30 | 93,141 |
2018.07.26 08:05:20 | 86,434 |
2017.07.26 08:02:04 | 77,942 |
2016.07.08 10:29:41 | 64,564 |
2015.07.28 11:14:34 | 47,277 |
2014.07.29 11:31:42 | 31,295 |
2013.07.30 11:02:17 | 15,125 |
2013.04.26 05:27:34 | 15,123 |
2013.04.23 19:08:22 | 15,122 |
2013.02.11 12:22:45 | 14,699 |
2013.02.11 12:22:45 | 14,699 |